Jason Team Grimlock
Joined: 06 Jan 2007
Posts: 95
Location: Sydney-nsw-bondi

Im going to be working on the day, Im determined to take as much work
as I can this year, Im on Pacific at the moment then Im going
to Wolverine late feb/march, so Im cashing up now to by robot bits!!
Im planning my low lifter with Angus, and Im currently working on
a mockup of the mech, Ill be ordering my linear actuator pretty soon so
that I can have a featherweight again!
Ill definatley be at the march event, hopefully with Chip hazard sorted
out in the electrical dept-Ill also have a VERY thick, shallow wedge that
can go on the front-looking forward to hopefully taking on Phailboat
with that.
On a side note, Im going to start a "Jasons' oddity page" in the off-topic
forum-Ill be posting pics and vids of some of the modelwork Ive done,
pics from my movie prop collection and vids of my Greek seige engines
at work! Angus and I took my Onager (torsion catapult) out today
and fired rounds out to 250 feet- we also destroyed a toaster and
a domestic Iron with it!! stay tuned!!-good luck to all for Saturday-Jas
Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:07 pm |