Site Admin
Joined: 31 May 2004
Posts: 3160
Location: Melbourne, Australia
As Ive said before, Im willing to give any serious-looking prospective E.O. (Event Operator as we call them - basically the boss with their balls on the line) a run down on the drill required to put on an event..
Depends on the scale of course, but there are few basic organisational things, promotion, safety, entry sheets, tech inspection, judges, bot wrangler/scheduler, setup/teardown, cleanup etc that are fairly easy to cover with a bit of instruction.
The biggie is *attitude. You need to be aware that *you are basically offering to be *responsible for the conduct of a bunch of sometimes over-enthusiastic, often young and inexperienced, sometimes stupid and careless people playing with *very dangerous toys. Serious Injury and possibly Death are lurking just a moments inattention away.
Think of running a birthday party for a bunch of 10yo's (not all entrants are 18yo+) and then drop a pile of highly over-stressed and sometimes poorly-built power tools into the middle of the room for them to play with. Add in high pressure compressed gases, jittery radio control systems, exposed wiring capable of welding levels of electrical power in the hands of tired cranky builders (who have often pulled several all nighters to get stuff done in time for the event) running under a tight time schedule with an audience stomping their feet for you to hurry up and keep the action coming.
You need to keep an eye on *everyone. Watch the whole event, stop builders being dangerous (some will), the public trying to wander into the pits for a look see, you have to be prepared to be firm and even shout at people to not be so *ing stupid sometimes.
You also need to keep the concerns of the venue owner in mind. Think of it like inviting a bunch of amateur mechanics into your own house.. Solder dropped on carpets, holes drilled in tables, people wanting to put out on-fire robots in arena's full of hazardous smoke and levels of mess that you would expect from a bunch of hobbyists struggling to keep their creations together for the next round. Which all needs to be dealt with by the EO.
To do it properly, you really need to think of it the same way an adult looking after a bunch of other peoples kids for a party does.. Its *ALL up to you to make happen and keep safe. If anything ugly happens, its *your ass on the line, cos you were the boss. except you dont get paid, but people will still blame you.
Its a fairly thankless, *high-stress job - just ask Steve, or anyone else who has actually done it for a decent sized event. But if public events are going to happen, it has to be done by someone.
OK, Im making it sound bad, but thats the truth of it. Its not just a matter of sending out some invites and expecting everyone to look after themselves.
Still Interested ? _________________ Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people
Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:36 pm |
Site Admin
Joined: 31 May 2004
Posts: 3160
Location: Melbourne, Australia
OK, Well, looks like the weather will be about the same both days, so my other booking is now on Sunday.
So, Saturday is confirmed available. Ive just chatted with Barry (Owner of Sidetracked) and he will 90% likely be there tomorrow too, so we can discuss the current/future status of the Arena with him as well.
Approx 11am is fine with me. See whoever else there
Ive sent Andrew (Waggy) a facebook message, Shreddi and Mat I have no contact details for. Ill send a message to Neweyn as well, and maybe he can notify Mat in time. Ill SMS George and let him know.
So, Anyone interested, www.sidetracked.com.au, oakliegh, about 11am tomorrow.
Probably the Cafe, but if a lot of people show up, they might put us in the corporate room or some other meeting room so we dont hog the limited number of seats in the Cafe, so if you cant see a collection of Tech-Heads when you arrive (if after 11), ask at the counter where the RoboWars guys are.
Remember, Im *not volunteering to organise any future events, this is to get all you interested guys together and see if you can come up with something between you.
See you there. _________________ Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people
Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:51 pm |